We hire Owners not Employees! Feels like you are one of them?
Neuphony is an attempt at making brain health affordable and accessible to all. We are the country’s first EEG headband helping people analyze their brain activity from the comfort of home. We are always on the lookout for T-shaped developers, marketeers & innovators who live outside the box.
Hierarchy does more harm than flexibility ever will. We thrive on innovation – Ideas are always welcome
Take a break whenever you feel like (Leave policy is so 1999 – We’ve scrapped it before our first hire)
We’ve got everything covered: Mental health breaks, Medical Insurance.
Your brain will be on its maximum focus potential, four hours at random. Harness your focus potential working outside on 9-5
Your life should not begin after 5 pm. What can be better than working with a Mental Health Tech Company?
Get your skin in the game. The better you do at Neuphony, the more your set of shares will be worth when you encash.
We are developing India’s first wearable neurofeedback device, Neuphony which brings you the benefits of neurofeedback at the comfort of your home with the help of an EEG headband and a mobile application. Over sessions, it trains your brain on how to achieve the desired state itself.